SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO PRESENTED ASSETS The most common use cases for presented assets are webinars, which may be both live and recorded. Quality live webinars can be efficient lead- and demand-generation tools — providing perceived equitable value in exchange for lead data. Recorded webinars may or may not be of high enough perceived value to warrant lead generation. Presented assets scale into multiple forms of distribution and organic search value — a blog post leading up to the event, the live event itself, the recorded video, and the deck from the event. While presented assets are resource-intensive to produce, they are also likely to be highly effective in educational contexts. Presented Assets Quick Reference Asset Use Case Value Resources Measurement Webinars Authoritative point of view and 7 7 Leads; Hand Raisers; Social Shares persuasive education Co-Presented/Partner Webinars Collaborative point of view and 8 8 Leads; Hand Raisers; Social Shares complementary positioning In-Person Presentations Personal connections, authoritative 8 9 Traffic; Search Ranking; Social Shares point of view, and credibility 19 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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