SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO INTERACTIVE ASSETS Interactive assets are uniquely suited to deliver the highest-value prospect and customer profiling data based on an explicit digital dialogue. White papers, eBooks, infographics, calculators, report cards, and assessments can all engage users in question/answer content that yields declared, descriptive data. This data is of much higher fidelity than typically inferred analytics. When used as the foundation of targeting, segmentation, and personalization, explicit data can accelerate qualification and increase lead-to-revenue velocity. Interactive assets can be the most engaging and measurable tools in the toolbox. They also have high organic search value as they are inherently HTML-based online assets. Their most significant downside is that they are resource intensive to produce and require a broad set of deep competencies. Interactive Assets Quick Reference Asset Use Case Value Resources Measurement Interactive White Paper Long-format interactive education 6 7 Leads; Engagement; Hand Raisers Interactive eBook Medium-format interactive education 7 8 Leads; Engagement; Hand Raisers Interactive Infographic Top-of-funnel organic and viral traffic 8 6 Traffic; Search Ranking; Social Shares generation Interactive Assessment/Report Deep, descriptive digital dialogue for 9 9 Leads; Hand Raisers; Declared Data Card segmentation and scoring Interactive Calculator Declared data generation for 8 6 Leads; Hand Raisers; Declared Data qualification and scoring 18 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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