SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO SaaS Marketing Channels Distribution and reach take place through marketing channels. Each channel is worthy of experimentation and objective testing to determine which ones are most effective. EMAIL Email is used to communicate with prospects and customers. Third-party email can be used as a lead-gen channel. House email can be used to educate, qualify, and accelerate prospects; and educate and up-sell customers. Useless or low-value emails will result in unsubscribes at best, and spam reports at worst. Demand Generation Email Third-party, paid email can be an effective lead- and demand-gen channel. Variations of paid email marketing can be tested to become part of the enduring mix. More than most other channels, third-party email lists wear and degrade over time. Even the most successful drops will diminish and require schedule flighting to return to reasonable levels of effectiveness. 20 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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