SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO VISUAL CONTENT Although almost all content assets may be “visual,” certain specific types warrant the “visual content” label. Most notable is the infographic — a highly engaging and accessible content roadmap that’s most effective at the top of the funnel. Infographics may not have high enough perceived value to be used in lead generation, but they are ideally suited for use in social media. They are easily shared and visually strong, making them ideal candidates for online, interactive delivery as well. Infographics are great storytellers — akin to the still version of the explainer video. Asset Use Case Value Resources Measurement Infographic Visual storytelling at the top of the 7 5 Traffic; Social Shares funnel SPOKEN ASSETS The most common format of spoken asset is the podcast — an audio, often episodic series of interviews, presentations, or even readings. Podcasts provide an additional way for audiences to consume messages. And, like email, they are also a discoverable distribution channel (discussed separately) via Apple, Google and others. Podcast versions of blog posts add very little additional overhead but deliver a fresh dynamic and broader reach for that written content. Asset Use Case Value Resources Measurement Podcast Channel extension and widened, 4 3 Subscribers; Engagement/Plays discoverable content reach 15 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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