SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO delivered via HTML and/or PDF. White papers also lend themselves to online interactivity, which can significantly improve their engagement and measurability. Written/Long-Format/eBooks A more fundamentally digital cousin to the white paper, eBooks are perceived as more modern, and more interesting. They may be delivered online via HTML or offline via PDF, and are more likely to include interactive elements. Unlike white papers, eBooks offer more freedom of size, shape, and format. Like white papers, they can be high-value educational assets — worthy of exchange for lead data. They are often highly engaging and measurable. Written/Long-Format/Third-Party Research Commissioned third-party research reports breed authoritative credibility, and scale into many other types of assets over an extended period — white papers, calculators, presentations, podcasts, infographics, and others. They are resource- and budget-intensive to produce, but in SaaS markets in need of social proof, they can be a compelling and useful option. Quality research reports also make highly effective lead-generation bait as they have extraordinary perceived value and credibility. Written/Sales Enablement Often there are gaps in the asset library that sales-driven SaaS organizations need marketing to fill. These may be stage-specific assets addressing buyer objections; illustrating solution ROI; reinforcing social proof/ratings/reviews; documenting reliability or security, or explaining implementation and onboarding. These assets are typically written by marketing, but distributed as needed by sales. 13 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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