SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO SAAS MARKETING LEADS VS. INBOUNDS Marketing-generated leads (MGLs) are new prospects added to the house database. Inbounds are leads who have raised their hand (hand raisers) and requested a demo; engaged with a salesperson; signed up for a trial; or instantly converted as a paying buyer. Marketing-qualified leads (MQLs) are a subset of MGLs that meet minimum acceptable criteria (via automated or manual scoring). SAAS MARKETING ATTRIBUTION It’s critical to know where every lead came from so that future effort can focus on the most lucrative sources. First-touch attribution memorializes the original source of the lead. Last-touch attribution may also memorialize inbound trigger(s). SAAS CONTENT MARKETING The meat on the bones of a SaaS marketing program is content in the form of assets like articles, webinars, seminars, videos, podcasts, interactive tools, white papers, case studies, and so on. SAAS MARKETING DATA STRATEGY Virtually everything in SaaS marketing is data-driven. Data structures must be strategically planned and executed to provide quality data for automation as well as for sales. There’s data for software to parse and a very different dataset that sales or customer success people can digest. SAAS MARKETING TECHNOLOGY MarTech is a landscape of 6,000+ tools, but only a few of them will actually deliver value in SaaS marketing. Prioritizing which tools make up the stack and fully utilizing them to maximize efficacy are keys to success. 8 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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