SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO Introduction to SaaS SaaS Marketing Funnel Marketing When someone talks about the funnel, they are talking about the progressive stages of a prospect To predictably scale, a SaaS company must define who its as the move through from unknown to customer. ideal customer is; reach and attract those people; and provide Funnel efficiencies vary by market, price point, and them with a compelling buyer’s journey that converts interest sales model, but once your marketing funnel is to action. understood, you can reverse engineer the resources required to generate a given growth rate. To execute efficiently, marketing Typically, the marketing funnel must be data-driven, scientific, and starts with a marketing- MGL generated lead (MGL). Some MQL iterative. percentage of MGLs score high enough (by marketing) to become SQL marketing-qualified leads (MQLs). SaaS marketing communicates with two primary Some percentage of MQLs get OPP constituencies: prospects and customers. Depending on scored by sales to graduate to SaaS stage and maturity, the balance between those sales-qualified leads (SQLs). Then WIN disciplines can vary significantly. An early-stage B2C self- some of the SQLs move to service SaaS startup may invest very little in customer opportunities. And some of the opportunities turn marketing, while a more mature land-and-expand enterprise into customers. That’s the basic structure of the solution may invest a very high percentage of its marketing marketing-generated funnel. resources into customers. 5 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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