SAAS MARKETING GUIDE BY: JUSTIN TALERICO A strong upside of owned events is that they have relatively low hard costs. But, because they are self-executed, they have significant soft costs of organizational resource consumption. They also require a relatively wide set of competencies that may not be present in the SaaS marketing organization. Another upside is that the narrative is controlled. Owned event measurement focuses on registrants, attendees, new leads generated, and bookings (using first- or last-touch attribution). ORGANIC Strong organic performance earned from solid, strategic keywords, naturally and authentically drives quality traffic. Organic performance is most commonly associated with search engine rankings for owned media, like the website. The other significant driver of organically-fueled traffic is the social networks — using a keyword-focused hashtag strategy to build an audience — again driving back to owned media like the website. Search Engine Optimization Narrow, strategic keyword strategy must be pulled through all content development to reinforce core themes and build rankings. Consistent and diligent keyword-rich, yet authentic content will attract and convert leads at low-to-no direct cost. Organically sourced leads will only be as good as the keyword strategy that drove them. Keep in mind that building sustainable organic rankings takes time and consistency. Also, keep in mind that authenticity and quality ultimately win in SEO. Gaming the system only works for so long and will likely result in a low-quality customer among other nasty side effects. Social Keyword strategy evolves into hashtag and influencer strategies for unpaid social marketing. Identification and consistent promotion of influencer handles combined with the relevant use of high-value hashtags builds a quality audience. This audience has both direct and indirect value. 24 Execute Better. Grow Faster.

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